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I am an engineer and I have worked in electronic hardware development since 1994. Before that, I have written professional software since 1980. First for Commodore computers, later for MS DOS.

My first own computer was a Commodore VIC-20 and in 1983, I have bought my first C64.

After watching some repair videos of old retro-computers on YT (mainly Jan Beta), I have tried to switch on my good old C64 in 2018 - after being powered off for about 28 years. I could not believe my eyes, it worked and I was probably as fascinated as I was, when switching it on for the first time. Soon, the C64 setup became kind of a fix installation in my lab.

My interest in the Commodore retro-computers is, besides collecting and repairing them, to develop some new hardware gadgets for them. Those projects are strictly non-profit, open hardware and are/will be published in my
github repositories for everybody to build. A complete Overview of all my github projects can be found here:

My goal is to provide some well tested, documented and easy to build projects. I try to document and test them well, before I publish them.

My mostly Commodore related Thingiverse designs are here:

You can meet me on Twitter and follow my projects while they happen:

I am also active in the FB group
"Commodore New Tech" and others.

Besides colaborating with other websites, that proviode resources on Commodore computers, like and, I upload, what I can find and what is still missed to

● Dec. 4th, 2019: CBM80 or the "Signature of Death"/Kernal v2.1
● Dec. 6th, 2019: Colored
C64 Block Diagrams
Scope on the C64 (scope screenshots and some explanations)
● Work in Progress:
Fast Loaders for the C64
Datassette Encoding
C64 Thermal Considerations
I have developed and am developing C64 related hardware/software projects.
● The
C64 A/V-adaptor
SIDalyzer - Analyzing the SID
● A 1980s project: A
new character set for the SX-64
● The
C64 joystick project
● The
Diagnostic Rev. 586220 Harness
● Making a
Diagnostic (and Dead Test) cartridge
C64 WiFi-Modem
● C64
Epyx Fast Load Cartridge
● Joystick Switch/Rapid Fire
● C64 Keyboard Controlled Kernal Switcher
● SX-64 Kernal Switcher
Kernal Adapter long board
Kernal Adapter short board
C64 character ROM adapter
● A breakout board for the C64 extention port:
● Passive 23128 Adapter
● Ultimate 64 Keyboard adapter
● The
C64 keyboard

Commodore Keyboard Tester

The Power Supply Projects:
● C64 replacement power supplies in general
● My first
C64 replacement power supply (230VAC)
C64 PSU Combi (115/VAC230VAC)
C64 PSU Global (115VAC/230VAC)
C64 PSU for the Z66 case

C64 cartridge stand (3D-Print)

Peripheral related Projects:
● Parallel Adapter for Speed DOS
● 3D printed spare part: a
head latch cam for the 1541-II floppy disk drive

C64 Schematics

Whenever I find Commodore or thrid party documents regarding Commodore computers, I will scan them and publish them (elsewhere) to contribute to the retro computing knowledge pool.
Umrüstung des SX-64 auf Modulatorbetrieb (German: Modification of the SX-64 for using a VIC-20 RF modulator)
Bedienungsanleitung ZERO EPROM Programmierer (German: Manual of the Zero EPROM Programmer for C64)
VIC Eromprogrammer-/Epromboard-manual (English, a short manual of the ZERO EROM programmer)
VC-64 EPROM Karte & EPROMKARTE - ZERO 43 - fuer den CBM64 (German)
● Oceanic
OC-118N Floppy Disk Drive
● My collection of
Commdore Technical Manuals

For HIRES/high quality manuals, I collaborate with
Retro Commodore.

● VIC-20 Hyper Expander
● VIC-20
Super Expander II
● VIC-20
Diagnostic Harness

● VIC-20
● VIC-20
Character ROM Adapter

● VickyTwenty
VICTerm 4.0 (PAL patch)

3D printed projects
VIC-20 Cartridge Stand (3D-print)
VIC-20 Cartridge Guide (3D-print)
VIC-20 Euro Power Plug (3D-print)

VIC-20 Schematics
VIC-20 Block Diagrams
VC20 - 40/80 Zeichen Karte & VC20 EPROM Karte (German: VIC-20 40/80 character display & VIC-20 EPROM board)
Commodore Super Expander User Guide
VC 1020 (German user manual of the VIC 1020 expansion port externder)
Topics of a more general nature.
Cable Making
A Beginner's Guide to PCB Layouting
ESD kills your electronic. Protect it!

● Creating EPROM images from multiple *.BIN files

Rejuvenating conductive keyboard rubber
● Recapping

Constructing a mains connector for the Commodore 202 adding machine.

● Project:
Solder Fume Extractor
● 3D-Modelling the
ZIPPYY arcade joystick in Fusion 360 and a short description of the function

● Demo for C64 (made with
TRSE): FF-2020-10-08.D64

Fan Art